Ledeen Actuators CVC Services - Sales - Service - PEM Parts for Ledeen Valve Actuator Ledeen Flow Control Systems Inc.
Ledeen Valve Actuators HydroTand spring return actuators

Contact CVC Services

Manufacturers of Valve Actuators
Serving Users Throughout the World
Since 1948

A partial list of Ledeen Customers:

Alberta Gas Trunkline
Black Mesa Pipeline
British Columbia Hydropower Authority
Buckeye Pipeline
El Paso Natural Gas
Florida Gas Pipeline
Northwest Pipeline
Pacific Gas & Electric
Panhandle Eastern Pipeline
Southern California Edison
Southern California Gas
Transcanada Pipeline
Transcontinental Gas Pipeline

Corporation Venezolana del Petroleo
Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos
Lago Oil - Aruba
Shell Oil - Curacao
Shell Oil - Venezuela
British Gas Corporation- Great Britain
British Oxygen- Great Britain
Deutsche Marathon Petroleum- W. Germany
Gasunie - Holland
Mobil - North Sea Norwegian Sector
Total Oil Marine- North Sea U.K. Sector
Shell - North Sea UK Sector
Chevron- North Sea U.K. Sector

Aramco - Saudi Arabia
National Iranian Gas Co. - Iran
National Iranian Oil Co. - Iran
Shell Oil - Great Britain
Sui Northern Gas Pipeline - Pakistan
Sumed Consortium - Egypt
Chinese Petroleum- Taiwan
Chiyoda Chemical & Engr. Co. - Japan
Gulf Asian Terminals - Okinawa/ Japan
Machinoimport - USSR
Osaka Gas - Japan
Pertamina Oil Co. - Indonesia

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