Ledeen Actuators CVC Services - Sales - Service - PEM Parts for Ledeen Valve Actuator Ledeen Flow Control Systems Inc.
Ledeen Valve Actuators HydroTand spring return actuators

Ledeen Quad Actuators LQ

The units previously described and illustrated are of the tandem or 'T' Series configuration and have sufficient torque output to accommodate valve sizes in general terms 40" - 48" Class 600 ( 1.2m in lbs of torque), depending on type and seating arrangements, actual line pressure, etc. To accommodate the largest % turn valves being manufactured to the highest pressure classes the Ledeen actuator range includes the QUAD or 'Q' Series actuator, comprising a double torque arm and four cylinder configuration, either single or double acting.

The 'Q' Series actuator can be adapted to any type of power medium previously described by the addition of the suitable power pack.

i.e. Direct Pneumatic (LQP)
Direct Hydraulic (LQH)
Pneumatic-Hydraulic (LQP/H)
Electro-Hydraulic (LQE/H)
Gas Over Oil (LQG/Q)

All power packs, limit switch packs, limit valves and standard controls are inter-changeable between 'T' and '0' Series units.

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